General information
This tool does what its name implies, it allows you to manipulate 3D datasets (arrays). The different subpanels allow you to change the shape and size of your array by making cuts, selections, averages, rotations and adding datasets together.
Top panel indicates the name and the dimensions of the loaded data file. The size of a data set is indicated by three numbers [1 2 3]
1: The number of rows
2: The number of columns
3: The “depth” in the third dimension (This is 1 in a 2D data-set)
Datasets and dimensions
The raw EEG signal is a 2D dataset of which the rows represent the number of samples recorded, and the columns the number of channels (Figure above, left) . After cutting the data the 3rd dimension represents the number of TTLs/events (Figure above, middle) The size of each of these dimensions is shown in the top panel.
Switch dimensions around
Allows you to rotate the data matrix along three dimensions
TIP: Check the top panel if this is indeed the case
Don't forget to SAVE as a new dataset
Average datapoints within datasets
Allows you to average the dataset along the selected dimension after which that dimension size will be 1.
TIP: Check the top panel if this is indeed the case
Don't forget to SAVE as a new dataset
Stitch datasets together
Allows you to add data sets together. You can “glue” one data set to another along one of three dimensions. Note that the dimension sizes, other than the one along which you concatenate, should be the same for both datasets. Say you want to put together two datasets in the 3rd dimension, then the nr of rows and columns should be equal in both connected files. This means that you cannot “glue” a data set with 8 columns to one that has only seven columns. This rule applies to all dimensions.
TIP: Check the top panel for the desired result
Don't forget to SAVE as a new dataset
Resize your dataset
Allows you to ‘cut’ sections of interest from a data set.
Indicate for all three dimensions from where till where you want to keep your data.
In de example above:
Row 1 till 512 are kept
Column 1 till 7 are kept
The third dimension “depth” 1 till 5 is kept
So, the final dimensionality of the cutout data section will be 512 - 7 - 5
TIP: Check the top panel for the desired result
Don't forget to SAVE as a new dataset
Select form the dataset
Allows you to make a selection of rows/columns/3rd that either you want to keep or discard. In contrast to the resize tool this also allows you to select rows/columns/3rds that are not consecutive, e.g. select only channel 3,5,7 instead of channel 3-7.
TIP: Check the top panel for the desired result
Don't forget to SAVE as a new dataset