The Psychobiology, EEG Platform
The website that brings you the What, How and Why of EEG and related research as it is taught within the neurophysiology leerlijn of Psychobiology at the UvA.
In 2012, Psychobiology acquired 5 portable gTEC EEG setups in order to provide its students with the opportunity to experience and learn from real live EEG recordings in a practicle setting. Since then an additional 8 gTEC setups were acquired and the EEG practicles have firmly taken its place in the Psychobiology curriculum.
In 2023, College of Life Science acquired an additional ten PSYPHY EEG setups.
By now the setups are used in various courses thoughout the curriculum of three UvA life science programs: Biology, Biomedical Sciences and Psychobiology
Op 23 Maart 2017 hebben Jill, Kanthida, Saar, Verna en Martin, allen honours studenten FNWI, succesvol hun BrainPowered project gepresenteerd aan de faculteit. De door hersensignalen aangestuurde quadcopters vlogen stabiel en accuraat. Het publiek maakte veelvuldig gebruik van de mogelijkheid om elkaar uit te dagen tot een brainpowered race.
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